That awkward moment...
...when you are watching Sherlock Holmes in English and after three episodes even your thoughts are in English with an british accent :D

feliday am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
Oooh, I love Sherlock!!! :o <3
That awkward moment when someone writes something in English and automatically, your language and thoughts completely switch to English, too :D

vampires_angel x3 am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
Meanwhile I love him too ...and his voice *_*
Oh Boy,I want to watch the second season...NOW :D

feliday am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
I didn't like the 2nd as much as the 1st, but still: It's Sherlock!
Best scene EVER: The scene at the pool!! You MUST watch how that turns out!! :D That's so incredibly awesome!!!! xD Oh my god, I had tears in the eyes because I laughed so hard! xD

I'm still waiting for the third season (in German TV) :(
Which wasn't finished for such a long time because someone had to do a startrek movie! -.- And the hobbit and several other movies before Sherlock was finished!!! :o -.-
They could have filmed that AFTER the 3rd season!!

vampires_angel x3 am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
Year...yesterday I sat in my armchair and it was just like : WTF!? He is not gay? :D
And oh my god...sherlock ,you do not shoot at that bloody jacket! DON'T DO THIS!
And then..the credits -.-
A friend of mine told the same about THAT PERSON...Jenny,is that you? :D
I am lucky that I discovered Sherlock so late,because I do not have to wait for new seasons :)

estrellafugaz am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
ich schau sherlock (aber in deutsch)und I love it!!!! So eine geniale Serie:)Immer mit WOW-Faktor

vampires_angel x3 am 22.Mär 14  |  Permalink
Ich kann das gat nich auf Deutsch gucken...allein weil ich jetze auf Englisch angfangen hab und ich mich dann nich an die deutschen Stimmen gewöhnen kann und will. Schau dir mal so 10 minuten auf Englisch an und danach die selbe szene auf deutsch...den unterschied wirst du merken ^^